The Summer of Love VI with Attack on Titan

Hey guys.

It’s that time once again. For the last five years, I have undergone a summer project. I dive into a series, going into every aspect of its seasons, main characters and give my thoughts on the journey from start to finish. The first time I revisited one of my favorite series of all time: High School DxD, the second time, I took a look at the remarkably solid Date A Live. After that it was an examination of Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya. This was followed up with the legendary Cardcaptor Sakura. And last year I took a look at the relatively niche show Shakugan no Shana

For the sixth year, this time I’m going more mainstream, a bit more actiony. To finally sit down and examine a series that (finally) reach it’s conclusion not too long ago. A series I didn’t think I would do, but time and opprotunity has made it finally possible. I’m of course talking about.

Attack on Titan

My reasoning for this is simple. Now that it is finished, now that the rabid fans have gotten their fill. Now that the discourse has moved on and the show is finally allowed to just be itself. Is it any good? Was it worth the adoration and fervor surrounding it? Or was this just another show that benefitted from good animation and being ‘baby’s first anime’ for an entire generation? I’m going to examine that by simply asking the question.

Does Attack on Titan live up to the hype?

94 episodes, spread out across three months. A look at the music and yes, an actual honest character dive into Eren Yeager, the person who I’ve given the title of “worst character,” for the last three years. I’ll examine it all as I am finally able to watch this show, front to back, beginning to end, on its own terms. I hope you’ll join me on this adventure as we celebrate the sixth year of The Summer of Love.

3 thoughts on “The Summer of Love VI with Attack on Titan

  1. I’ve seen the first season and read all the books. Looking forward to seeing your thoughts on it, especially Eren who is a far more interesting character than I think you’ve been led to believe.

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