The Summer of Love VI with Attack on Titan: The Female Titan Arc!

The Summer of Love continues! We’ve discussed the music of the series, and now we return to the story. I ran rather lukewarm on the first two arcs of the series, does that mean I’ll feel the same for what comes next? Well after the cut let’s take a dive into the next story arc of the series: The Female Titan Arc!

Now this is more like it.

Like I said before the cut, I was rather ‘eh’ about the first half of AoT’s first season. While I loved the atmosphere, setting and action, I found myself struggling to get really invested in what was going on with the characters. Spectacle can be fun, but it is really enjoyable when you have a cast of characters you are invested in. That said, I didn’t want to be too hard on the series as it is still early days. Thankfully I found myself happily corrected.

The Levi Squad’s dedication to the mission gives Eren a sense of perspective, and the audience a glimpse at people who aren’t bound by anger.

With the next story arc, AoT is able to settle itself into a more comfortable niche that I think makes the series flourish. With the mission outside the wall, we have an easy to understand plot, easy to follow stakes, and plenty of time to get to know the cast and more importantly, we get to see them bounce off each other. This is especially true with the addition of Levi, Erwin and Hange. I had heard a lot about Levi, about him being another ‘Kakashi/Gojo’ type character who had enraptured the fanbase. After seeing him in these episodes I can see the appeal, but to me my enjoyment of Levi came from a simple fact: he’s the adult in the room.

Levi easily earns the accolades he has gotten, being the only fucking person among the central cast who takes things seriously.

While Eren borders on being a complete sociopath, Mikasa remains a one-note character and Armin is just doing his best, Levi stood out as the one character who seemed to be taking the entire damn plot seriously. A leader to his men, able to see the big picture and have the skill to back it up. It was clear right from the get-go that this was a guy who commanded respect. And for Eren who has basically rejected any sense of authority from anyone melts like ice-cream in front of Levi. This only drives home the idea that Eren is more animal than man, respecting only power instead of words. I can’t tell you how fucking refreshing it was to follow a character who looks at the world with nuance, logic and reasoning. The same can be said for Erwin, who feels very much like Steve Rogers from Marvel put into this world. A boy scout, but one who has to play the cards he’s been dealt. Meanwhile Hange is an absolute delight, that crazy mad scientist who you don’t know if they are evil, but they tear up every moment they are on the screen.

In regards to the plot, AoT once again really drives home the sheer hopelessness of their situation. Even going outside the wall is akin to the death sentence, and no matter your skill or training, people are going to die. There can’t be any half measures, and any room for heroics or honor quickly gets squashed. The members of Levi Squad trust each other and their job, but they don’t let themselves be blinded by trying to save anyone. Once a person has served their job, they can’t be saved, as is shown in one of the more gut-wrenching scenes of the arc. For the Female Titan, she helps give a real face to the disposable feeling titans. While they have so far been an engine of destruction, seeing one actually think, act and be smart in combat makes them far more terrifying. It again drives home that sheer sense of hopelessness that the entire cast feels.

A titan that can think about what it’s doing is fucking scary as shit. The female titan does that perfectly.

That can’t be said for the reveal of who the female titan actually is. Maybe I missed something, maybe I wasn’t paying attention, but the cast finding out who their enemy was felt rather anti-climatic and rather off-screen. There wasn’t any sense of investigation or real journey to get there, it just sort of happens. I mean it still works and I know what happens, but considering how much hell the female titan puts them through, I kinda expected more with getting to those reveal.

The Female Titan arc of Attack on Titan is a major step-up in my enjoyment of the entire season. It’s forward moving, has a great cast of characters and maintains that real sense of danger and sense of dread. I won’t say that I am fully invested in this series yet, but this arc has done a lot of what I needed to get back on board. I wonder if the same will be said as I enter the second season, where people tend to say that series takes a notable dip in quality (but only temporarily). I’ll find out soon enough, but next week we’ll take a stop over and examine the English dub!

May you have a long and happy life.

Additional Thoughts

  • I have no love for Mikasa as a character, like at all. Everything so far just revolves around Eren, there is nothing more to her character. And speaking as someone who has watched many a harem/ecchi anime, that’s saying something. Like seriously, she’s just always going on and on about Eren. Like fucking be something else for five damn minutes.
  • The way the Scouts run through the world outside the walls is really cool. I love the flare stuff.
  • I am a little more sympathetic to Eren overall in this arc, as he doesn’t have the experience that Levi and the others have. Still the man needs to sit down and think for five fucking seconds.
  • The diamond skin from the female titan is really cool, I wonder if the other titans have similar power.
  • The crystal thing though? That’s weird, I wonder what that is about.
  • Who could imagine Levi spinning would cause so much damage.
  • Like seriously, this man tears shit up. I never understood the love people have for this character until I saw him in action, boy is something else.
  • Erwin too is a great guy, I know what happens, and it’ll be interesting to see how that plays out.
  • Eren Yeager Anger Levels: 35%

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