The Garden of Sinners: Movies 4-5: Done Only with Jontron Video Clips

Last night I finished the next two films of the Type-Moon series The Garden of Sinners, and once again I feel I can only really sum up the plot of these films with video clips from Jontron. So take a seat, relax and enjoy my thoughts on the next two films of The Garden of Sinners

Image result for garden of sinners paradox spiral poster
Aw Jeez.


Movie 4: The Hollow Shrine



Movie 5: Paradox Spiral


OK, but what did you REALLY think?

The fourth movie is decent, helping fill in some of the gaps of the Shiki story line. The fifth movie is again a self contained story, and so perfectly represents what Type-Moon and the Nasuverse is about: Telling weird stories where no one, not even the cast, really knows what the fuck is going on. Creative as all hell, well animated and paced, and both are extremely dark and extremely sad. I bet too many movie 5 is considered their favorite, but so far I believe the third film (Remaining Sense of Pain) is the strongest one I’ve watched and is the easiest to follow. I look forward to watching the final three films to piece all of this together.

Also Mikiya is fucking useless man.

3 thoughts on “The Garden of Sinners: Movies 4-5: Done Only with Jontron Video Clips

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