Bible Black Only: May I Interest You in Our Wide Selection of Hentai?

I’m been entertaining the idea of revisiting the Bible Black hentai. I gave my thoughts on it before, but recent ruminations have made me realize just how good that show is. Not because of the plot, but how it pretty much represents everything ‘hentai’ is. It is a near completely package, and if anyone was ever interested in this genre and tried it yet. This is the show I would recommend for the variety of what it offers. A great example of this is what we are looking at today, so after the cut let’s take a dive into the hentai series: Bible Black Only!

The following post contains images that are NOT SAFE FOR WORK! Please read with discretion.

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Redo of Healer: Confident, Courageous, and Full of Fluids

The most controversial anime of winter 2021 didn’t end up being the case, mostly because people care more about bad looking CGI titans, or a character who is clearly at the start of a long journey of redemption. Still, that doesn’t mean we can’t discuss this series, so after the cut let’s take a dive into Redo of Healer.

My thoughts on episode 2 of the series are right here.

Fight Fire with Fire
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Cleavage: Seins Magnifiques

Another hentai review, and one of a show that I’ve been coming (heh) back too many times over the years! It always a detailed menu when it comes to the cultured shows, but when you find a classic you love, it’s something you’ll never forget. That’s the title we are talking about today. After the cut let’s take a NSFW dive into the hentai series: Cleavage!

(NSFW images right up ahead. Please read with discretion)

Cleavage » HentaiCore | Your Hentai Channel
Colder than the set of Friends
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Redo of Healer Episode 2: With nothing but your Hatred

Ever since I started blogging, almost two and a half years ago. I made a decision to not do episode reviews of anime, simply because I don’t think they work. To judge a show based on a single episode is, in my view, un-constructive. Great shows can have clunkers, and bad shows can have homers. To praise a show (Demon Slayer) or rip one apart (Darling in the Franxx) because of one 20 minute chapter just doesn’t feel right.

However, I had I feeling that I would eventually come to something that would challenge that idea, and while I still believe in not reviewing anime episode to episode. I feel like I finally reach that moment. So today, I break my rule this one and hopefully only time to talk about this. No hyperbole, no bullshit, no ideological pandering. After the cut, let’s dive into the second episode of Redo of Healer: The Hero Ruins Princess Flare!

((The following contain disturbing images that are NSFW. Please read with discretion))

Redo Of Healer Author Says Keyaru Models Their Personality
The face when you out-hentai most hentai.
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Nekopara Vol. 2: Here Pussy, Pussy, Pussy

While working through my backlog of anime and stuff to talk about on the blog, the second volume of the Nekopara series was always on the list. As discussed before, the anime adaptation of the series left with me deep and compelling questions about the world and its structure. The visual novel meanwhile provided an fun and adult spin on the series that while I liked, I didn’t really love. It’s just that Love3 -Love Cubed- set such a high bar! So, will the second volume change my mind? After the cut let’s take a dive into Nekopara Volume 2!

(NSFW images right up ahead. please read with discretion)

Would like a small, or a large?
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Kakushi Dere Episode 1: The Passion of the Tsundere

It’s time for another hentai review! If your new to the blog, hentai series are something we don’t shy away from. I’ve discussed Emergence/Metamorphosis, Bible Black, Front Innocent, Sense of Values of Wine and Resort Boin, and today, we are doing another! I’ve been meaning to look at this series for a while now, as it is one I’ve really wanted to talk about. Despite coming across it quite recently, there just has been something about it that has stuck around in my mind, aside from the obvious. Join me after the cut as I take a dive into the first episode of the hentai series Kakushi Dere.


I tried to find one that was censored, but none of them were big enough!

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Another Lady Innocent: Hold me tight, sweet Beauregard

This one has been on the list for a long, long time. The moment I knew I wanted to start reviewing hentai on the blog normally, it was this series and Bible Black that were for sure getting their own post. Let’s get into it, join me after the cut as I dive into the hentai series with two names Another Lady Innocent or Front Innocent!


Copulation on the Plantation.

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One Year of Shallow Dives in Anime: Shinmai Maou no Testament

In the summer of 2018, I got set up on a blind date with a girl, sadly I struck out and nothing came of it. This of course happens, but I was bummed out enough that I needed something to rid my sorrows. Earlier that year I had recently come back into the anime world after several years “in the wilderness,” so I decided that a good ol anime binge-fest was what I needed. The binge I chose was a buffet table of harem and ecchi anime. Date A Live, Shomin Sample, Majikoi, and more. Over the next two days I shut myself away and just enjoyed the onslaught of comedy and harem hijinks that High School DxD had caused me to fall in love it. At the end of the binge-fest I came across another series, one that I had been told about, but I had somehow waited to the end to watch.

That series was Shinmai Maou no Testament, or The Testament of Sister New Devil. And I fucking hated it.

I disliked it so much, that hours after that final episode of season one rolled, I was literally pacing back and forth trying to figure out my feelings. How could have something I should have loved turned out so bad? How could a show, with all the ingredients for a home-run hit, just completely shit the bed? Had I just reached peak harem? Had my binge caught up with me? Or was I mad that it wasn’t another High School DxD?

This provided the catalyst for me to create Shallow Dives in Anime. For months I had been humming and hawing over creating a anime blog where I could get my thoughts on, hone my writing skills, and just have a project to work on. It was Shinmai and my anger towards the show that finally made me bite the bullet and do it. On September 9th 2018 I threw up my first post: Indulgence, Self Reflection and Shinmai Maou no Testament. A few months later in December, I published my second post examining the character of Basara Toujou called Shinmai Maou’s Basara Toujou: Anime Blue-Balls, Sexual Independence and A Moment of Greatness

Over year and the dozens of posts on dozens of different anime, I had dropped references to Shinmai Maou, and my dislike for it, always in jest and so much so that it became a running gag. Yet as time went on and it got closer and closer to a whole year of blogging, I realized that I would need to do something to celebrate. I have always believed in second chances and watching something again with your “fan expectations” set aside. Part of me wanted to go back to the series and see if my hatred had dimmed, or if I had misjudged the series because, as I said in my first post on the series, didn’t indulge my personal tastes. I thought it was the right thing to do, the mature thing to do, instead of just sitting in an echo chamber of self-eating hatred of something that frankly, isn’t really important. So I did that, I watched the entire first season again.

This is Shallow Dives in Anime, and welcome to my One Year Anniversary Post.

This is my re-dive into Shinmai Maou no Testament.

((You know what this show is. NSFW shit coming up))

Shinmai Maou no Testament

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Bible Black: Sunday School Sexual Shenanigans

I told you this was happening.

The Hentai Genre is either embraced by anime fans, or ignored completely. Both are frankly fine in my view. Wherever you stand on it though, it remains a part of the industry, and therefore it should, when it can be, discussed like all other pieces of work.

Which brings me to this little series, well over a decade old now but for many remains a cornerstone of the entire genre. Some have even called it the “Dragon Ball” of the Hentai genre. So after the cut let’s take a (NSFW) look at the 2001-2003 hentai OVA series: Bible Black.


YESASIA: Bible Black - Revelations (DVD) (US Version) DVD - Media Blasters  - Japan Movies & Videos - Free Shipping - North America Site

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Parallel Paradise: No Happy Endings, Probably…..

After watching a shit ton of harem and ecchi animes over the past year and a half, I think I have a good idea on what makes certain shows work, and other shows fail, and it’s quite simple. Harem and Ecchi are at their best when they combine good fanservice, with strong storytelling. You cannot have one without the other and enjoy the level of success and fan reception that several shows have had.

Why though?

Honestly, it is because we live in the age of the internet, where some of the raunchiest and sexiest porn and adult content is a few google clicks away. If you want your dose of fanservice or just straight up porn, then you are more than sated thanks to the internet. With most ecchi harem comedies often taking a light touch compared to what else there is, there is little need for viewers to stick with a show that just has fanservice and nothing else. Once has an ecchi show has delivered “the goods” or you’ve watched enough shows to get used to said “goods’ appearing in your anime, it doesn’t do much to keep a viewer coming back. What does keep people coming back to those shows however is the characters and stories.

High School DxD may have found initial success with it’s no holds barred embrace of the titty but did that alone carry it to four whole seasons? No, it was the great characters, amazing music, and solid storytelling that led the series to strength after strength. Did How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord become last years unexpected hit simply because of its well done ecchi? Perhaps, but it was also its good characterization, spot on humor, and mirror-shine polish of its isekai story that carried it through. Shows like Shomin Sample, Majikoi, Shimoneta, and Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple all found success BECAUSE they remembered they also had to tell a story and didn’t slack off in that department.

This is why so many other ecchi/harem shows often fail to maintain viewer interest. This year’s Senran Kagura was just BORING when it had to just depend on its weak characters and run of the mill plotline. Another World with my Smartphone didn’t even have any real fanservice to offset its abysmal female cast and Master of Ragnarok sucked even more. And yes it is probably the main reason why just watching a complication of all the fanservice scenes in Shinmai Maou No Testament is better than having to subject yourself to its worthless story and main characters. Shows like these never put the effort into having both story AND fanservice, and they all suffered for it.

I say all of this because a few weeks ago I came across a manga series that reminded me how much ecchi/harem shows can work when you put in enough effort for the story. So after the cut let’s take a shallow dive into Lynn Okamoto’s Parallel Paradise.


Image result for parallel paradise cover
Brought to you by the guy who did Elfen Lied

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